
By Ricardo Eloy

Color Analysis - It’s All About Contrast

just published a tutorial on where they go over "how different types of contrasts can unlock hidden potential in your image".

The tutorial is the 4th part of a series, also available on , about color analysis and composition that goes over subjects such as contrast, tonal contrast, memory colors and tonal range.

From their original post:

What makes the image interesting?   Is there like a secret ingredient to a great composition? Can you objectively pinpoint elements that build that ‘wow’ factor?
Well, it turns out you can.
And it’s all about the contrast. 
Watch as we go over it in the new lesson from CommonPoint Masterclass. You’ll learn how to look at your image from a broader perspective. How to build different types of contrasts with shapes , detail frequency  or colors . And you’ll know when you’re image have a potential for something cool. 
In this lesson we covered: 
- how geometric contrast affects your composition;
- how to use organic and man-made objects to build visual interest;
- why is it important to use contrasting textures;
- what’s detail frequency and how to balance it in your image; 
- when adding movement is a great idea; 
- and finally, how to use hue, saturation and tones to build contrasts in color. 

You can check their latest on the player below:
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About this article

CommonPoint just published a tutorial on their YouTube channel where they go over "how different types of contrasts can unlock hidden potential in your image".

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About the author

Ricardo EloyVanguard

ŷAV Editor at Chaos

placeSão Paulo, BR