Editable poly for Interiors Part 2
Editor's notes
Editable poly for Interiors Part 2
by Montree T. (easyyong@hotmail.com) -
Drawing a large scale interior
1. Prepare a multi-subobject material for the building. ie. walls, windows, floors, glass, ceiling etc.
2. Import the building Autocad drawing, group and freeze it.
3. Start by tracing a line following the building contour.
4. Work with the segment subobject and divide/refine each line segment to reflect the number of windows on it.
5. Extrude spline and make the segment = 3. The polygons in the middle will be the building's windows.
6. Convert to poly, flip normals and create a camera inside. Assign the material ID onto the walls, ceiling and floor first.
Flip normal
Camera view
7. Select the polygons for window and deselect any of the walls. Assign material ID of the selected polygons in the middle = 4 ( from the material ID 4 = window frame) and adjust their height, following the window's size and then inset them all, using by polygon type. This is to create the width of all windows.
Select polygons in the middle and assign Material ID
Inset to create the width of every window frame.
8. Create frame's thickness by extruding the polygons and change the ID to 5, that is glass.
9. Select polygons and apply UVWmap on ceiling, floor etc.
10. Create columns and building core using the same polygon technique.
11. Place some lights into the scene.
Now you have prepared a scene that is ready to add in the furniture and design and runing a walkthrough. I am quite sure if you are familier with this technique. You shouldn't spend more 2 hours on the modeling and lighting.
About this article
Editable poly for Interiors Part 2
About the author
Jeff Mottle
Founder at ŷAV