Icelandic coastal house

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Corona rules
Better late then never...it has to be told....sweet work...like all your works. Very inspirational.
Thank you kindly Dobromir
I like the symbiosis between the mood and architecture style mostly. Simple , clean and monochrome . I think you did a great job . Congratulation !
Thank you guys ! 2Thomas: I am very glad for such recognition because this website helped me start my career 2 years ago by Pro of the week as well. So this is my second one :- ) but I've never received the badge. 2Salvador: Very true :- D But pool looks more poetic than bathtube = )
Nice one indeed! I wouldn't take a swim in there though; looks kinda cold out there, he he. Congrats Juraj + team.
Great to see you get a nod from the big guy! I think the fact you are also so active and helpful, offering constructive criticism really epitomizes the spirit of what this sites should be. Cheers!
Master work
2Fox :- ) Heh glad you recognised it this way :- D Thank you
When I saw picture in my mailbox pro of the week, I knew it was Juraj before I read it, it is so caracteristic architecture render of you :D Beautiful ;)
one great render keep the good work
We love the mood. Very nice work
CG Sugar!
Thanks Mark :- )
Nice one Juraj, the whole set looks great! Looking forward to checking out your tutorial when its done.
Great work! Nice wood materials! Perfect!