The Hull House interior

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I would change camera angle because the stairs are a little too distorted, the rest is very good.
everything is perfect except that floor? looks to shiny
thanks for the feedback. im not sure but sometimes the photometric lights reflections are brighter than the actual light source. probably my own mistake on set up. we are architects who are building this house so I guess I dont do this all the time! I understand it all needs more detail in the model! Im trying to get the best mentalray settings for what i need too! Its the first time I have been using interior lights...
Another point. I dont see enough lights source to reflect that way. (wall and ceiling). ALso you need to do a lot modeling work there.. :)
thanks aubrey! Ill make some tweeks. I need to get more to grips with materials!
Nice image. A few little things that jump out at me. The floor is a tad to reflective and maybe take the AO down a bit, it's really noticeable. The chairs are saturated and flat. The counter looks like there are no doors or drawers on them. I'm not sure if it was the look you were going for but the upper cabinets look like plastic.