mouse museum montage for the mumok vienna claes oldenburg exhibition
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mohamad Aminian
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Good Job christoph koehler! that's Nice .
christoph koehler
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nope, this is mostly a well prepared photomontage! the geometry of the mumok (the grey cube behind the mouse which hosts the main exhibition) and a bit of the surrounding was built but only as a camera matching reference and for some reflections.
the mouse itself is an art project by famous pop art artist claes oldenburg, referenceing his older large scale work and his famous mouse museum i think... it would have been built as a inflatable structure, like a mega-bouncing castle. would have been a fun project to look at for the viennese museum quarter i guess, despite what you may think of it as a work of art.
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Not too fond of the mouse but nice render, the buildings infront of the museum are also 3d ?