Cherry interior
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Victor Kokoshko
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Thank you, colleagues, is a test render - work on bottle caps[ATTACH=CONFIG]39153[/ATTACH]
marwan s
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great image there
Trollski del Castillo
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i love it. i really do. it's really "alive" condensation on the bottle.
Victor Kokoshko
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Brennan - you're right - if you use DOF (bokeh) in the rendering process, you need a raise subdives, to avoid noise .. And it slows down the renderer.
On the other hand, the implementation of DOF in post-processing makes the DOF physically
I used the camera itself DOF 3dsma - value subdives increased to 12, and then blur in the post on a semi-transparent channel
Victor Kokoshko
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Thank you
Glass and the like - in the haze, or rather a little soiled and dirty the hands
bon bonz
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Nice work! I admire your attention to detail.
One question:
In your past renders (including this one) I’ve noticed that your bokeh effect is slightly noisy. If you’re rendering the effect, it’s probably just sampling related.
If you are rendering the effect, do you find a rendered bokeh effect to be more accurate than one added via a z-depth map in post?
I feel like the latter method would offer much more flexibility and a decreased render time.
Mohaned Al Sabti
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I like it, gorgeous. about the roses on bed! are thay a mirror reflaction? coz either size of them is not real or i am a bit tired and cant read the image well!
Tom Livings
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Awesome! I think the cherries are too plastic (just a shade too shiny) and the glass looks a little smoked. But the color tones and materials are very well executed. I dont like the subject matter, looks like a cheap hotel brochure, but technically very, very good.
William Garcia
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I really enjoyed, congrats.
Farzad Firoozi
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Nice! Very Good!
James Insley
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very good, I really like the materials and lighting.
it might be me... but is the bottom of the bottle intersecting with the glass top?
ralf kirsch
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Very good material work. Compliments. RK
Yama Yama
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indeed photographs can be a good help....
The problem often with CG Pictures is that they look to "clean" to be real....
nice work there....
Did you scan your own fingerprints to get them on the glass? :-)
Victor Kokoshko
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Hello, colleagues! In this paper, I used photography as a visual aid, which made in different lighting conditions for longer understand the material. In particular, the glass separate from your 4 material with masks - glass, drops, inflows of cognac on the glass and fingerprints
Yama Yama
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Liiiiiike the glass with the liquor in it!
It looks a bit dirty, and thats what makes i real.
How did u get that effect?
Steve West
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cool condensation on the champagne bottle!