Mill Conversion Entrance

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Not used to seeing stairs splitting on their way up. Interesting idea they did on that house. The reflection does catch the eye and make me wonder if it is tilted a little towards the door. Like someone wants to see who is at their door without revealing themselves as they hide behind the corner hehe John
Homeless Dude> Thanks for your input. Looking at it now. This is actually an existing house that is in process of being renovated. Now you mention it, the door on the left actually opens the other way so my bad with the hinges!
+1 on the position of that column. The stair could easily be designed without it, and it makes the hall almost unusable, and looks as though it will block the door on the right from opening out. Also, since this is your own design, I would not build out th wall between the columns on the left. You went tot he trouble of making exposed columns, and then you go and create corners to burry them in. I would leave that wall flat, and let the columns stand proud or maybe slightly off the wall to emphasize them. The landing is a bit weird also, ...does it split into 2 sets of stairs? If you are hell bent on keeping that center column, you might be able to make invisible to reflection, and then create a duplicate inside that is scaled thinner for the reflection. Just make sure to align it with the break of the stair so that the spacing does not look weird in that area. It is fairly common to scale items on the edges of scenes when using a extra wide camera angle. This tricks the eye into not noticing as much. In real life there tends to be a bit of barrel roll when using wide angle lenses, which actually keeps thing from looking as distorted. +1 on the tiles looking nice also.
looks good only thing i dont like is the column in teh middle, but mainly the fact the tiles arent broken up around it.
Thanks so much for all your comments. If it is simple lense distortion, I am happy to keep the image as it is for now! Stef I agree on the downlights :)
Yep definately a perspective distortion issue, you just need to look at the other side of the image to see the same effect, look at the width of the door under the stairs ;)
Very nice image. Only crit would be that the downlighters seem a little chunky. And the reaason for the wide pillar reflection is probably down to lens distortion due to using a very wide angle camera lens. This tends to result in stretching near the edge of the frame. :) You could try pulling the camera position back and using a longer focal length instead to reduce this effect.
Nice picture For the reflection, maybe you can try the trick the reflection with a bitmap texture (of your model) edited in photoshop. You can then stretch the reflection to reduce the size of the central pilar. Your camera perspective angle must be a little to large, it's making the picture looks like stretched in the horizontal. but nice work for the light.
I really like the lighting in the render. Really nice. The flooring material is quite good.