Night Shot and dark mood

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yep..same old same old, still design...
yes, fast good work...always in 3 - 5 days deadlines
Thanks, and are you still being designer now? Or working on others areas?
yes, fast good work...always in 3 - 5 days deadlines
yep..am an architect and worked a couple of years in China...we worked with Silkroad on a some projects..so I remember that silkroad catalogue on my desk
It's really nice to hear that, Harry! And did you work fine with Silkroad at that time?
yep..am an architect and worked a couple of years in China...we worked with Silkroad on a some projects..so I remember that silkroad catalogue on my desk
nice rednering...and nice design..the picture is from 2011 though
Thank you Harry! That's amazing! You have an excellent memory Harry, would you let me know if you are a designer?
nice rednering...and nice design..the picture is from 2011 though