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Athanasios Karampitsakos
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You are right!! The client was happy (especially good when all these bad things happens here after the crisis...!!)
Aubrey Millard
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Deadlines are a bitch, oh well as long as the client was happy that's all that matters.
Athanasios Karampitsakos
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You are right about the tables, these are the same because I couldn't spent more time to them. The floor and wood textures are scaled ok, because the wood is from fir with big knots and the floor is resin which is already made. Thanks!!
Aubrey Millard
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The modeling and lighting is good and the dining area looks good.
A few observations...
I think the wood textures on the roof beams and the floor are over scaled. I am not a fan of straight on shots but that is a personal preference. The table cloths look like they are about 2" thick because of the large round creases and they all look the exact same. A little variation would make it look more natural. The motion blur on the people looks a little odd. If the brown cross pieces are part of the duct work then the wood beams going through them look really odd.
Athanasios Karampitsakos
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