kids bedroom
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george sandoval
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Looks great.
* blanket is too rounded - looks like rubber
* picture on wall is too saturated - it makes your eye go over there
* I think some more office related objects belong in bottom cubby holes instead
of mystery gift wrapped boxes - your mind just starts wondering what's inside them.
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thanhk all comen
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thanhk all comen
Steve West
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I agree with rahat.. the only other input i have is that the same book is repeating over and over throughout the room and is pretty noticeable, And its hard to make whether the white strip across the top shelf is supposed to be a handle?
Other than that, great composition!
Rahat Amin Chowdhury
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Great job.......really nice lighting.......but i think the right bottom portion needs a slight more enhancing the bedsheet with a little texture tweak like fabric effect maybe?....and u can also try changing the blanket mapping as well...:)
Ur lighting and feeling is really cool..........great work!.......BRAVO!