Lights Trails
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andres gallon
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I think it is a great image. The water is ok.
manuel morales
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Making of coming soon
Adeel Hameed
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Best of Luck for other views...:)
manuel morales
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tnx Adeel Hameed...other views coming soon
Adeel Hameed
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It's really awesome!
manuel morales
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try to do something better next time, this is a commercial image and the client wants something fast. something that if I have to explain, is that the left side is a high-speed road, that's why I can see the lights of the cars. This facade is taken from the side and from the front of the building.
thanks for your comments
maybe the black background of the water body is doing that does not have transparency in the water, I will try with some texture
Corey Beaulieu
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I like the colors and composition as well....
I agree with the others and would add that the streaks on the parked car imply that someone parked it while the exposure was taking place and I just don't find that to be plausible.
I'm also not so sure of Steve's suggestion of caustics. There is no light hitting the water so why would the be caustics? Maybe put an in-water light if this is something you want, but really ditch the streaks and fix the water and you have a truly good image. If you want to replace the color that the streaks give, maybe brighten the orange in the sky and put it in as a blurry reflection on the ground to the left.
Nice image.
Steve Shaw
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First off, this has the beginnings of a great image. The composition and warm/cool contrast are really nice.
However, I do agree with the previous comments. The water is off putting. The ripples aren't realistic and the reflections should be sharper. The light streaks on the left are just distracting. Your composition very carefully leads the eye up the front door, but then you get pulled over to the traffic on the left.
My final suggestion is to put some caustics on the under water wall washers.
Steven Tierney
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Hmmm, I've gotta ask why you put a car crashing into the front door. the light trails indicate speed which means the cars gonna make a mess of that nice building...
kas yensz
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I agree with lundberg..
the water loooks a bit weird..
a noise map in the bumpslot.. mayb 2 different noise maps??
I dont know it looks indeed a bit like ice..
Further.. i like the feeling, of warm and a little bit of old..
its a nice scene!
Christoffer Lundberg
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Ok. But however you did the material I think it gives the impression of a solid mass. A bit like ice or something.
Maybe it needs a bit more sharpness. Sharper edges in the up and down parts.
manuel morales
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Don't Havre bump Christoffer, is a noise mat
Christoffer Lundberg
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Really nice image!
But I think the water looks a bit weird. Something with the bump..