Masterplan, London

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right corner green top roof;-)
hahahahah! That did make me laugh. In all seriousness though apologies for the confusion it was not intentional. You can tell I do not design and make these myself! I am not talented in that way! ENjoy your day!
im still drying my eyes :-( good promo for you though!
no its more the lack of humility and marketing gusto that doesn't go down well. its whats happens when you arrive in a community that does this work for a living with sweeping statements regarding your abilities that things get somewhat crossed. thanks
Hi Daniel, NO!! you did not do this on purpose to test OUR technical abilities, you did it by mistake. Stop being so emotional and change the heading. It is incorrect!! Your work is good, I feel you get it done from China. GOOD WORK BAD HEADING!!!
It does appear that this image is upsetting some people who think this has been intentionally mislabelled? Just to clarify I am new to this site so have done this by mistake but it is fairly obvious the whole image is not computer generated. Heaven forbid that you have to work something out for yourself, maybe I did this on purpose to test all of your technical abilities? There is no need for the little bitter comments though this was just an accident.
Ha Ha!!! I am liking this a lot!! Mr. Hunter is most probably a Marketing person for Skyline CG and he has no clue what we are asking him. I will tell you that the heading of the image is incorrect. This is a photo montage, The original image is a Aerial Photograph of London (With a Heli) and there is a 20% 3D added to it in the extreme right bottom corner. Mr. Hunter needs to get educated by his technical team before he writes any more stupid headings. :)
?!!! Mr. Martin Its my way to till people where is the visualized part in the picture? but am no author to say it perfect way like / is the building exist in reality or not / I count on on the goodwill of people always.
you can see the pyramid building in front is transparent.
I do not know London but do hierarchical building located on the far river side at top of the picture near big ship real or not ?
I think this still excellent work. Regardless of full cgi or 3d/ 2d photo-montage. Would be good if can share a wireframe screengrab (though not necessary)of this image.
Hello! Sorry it would be helpful if we let you know which bit is a CGI. If you look at the image there are two groups of buildings central to the front. The right portion (with the green on part of the roof) is the CGI according to one of our project managers. Thanks for the feedback it is all appreciated.
Wonderful work! Is this building down in left corner cg? You can see ti on grass texture,and models of trees are indentical.
sorry i should have said which bit is 3d...!? put that ego away though because you are clearly not the 'leading architectural CGI company' or the 'market leader' in the UK. Maybe in your head you are but in reality there are many established and sucessful studios around. you are low end currently thanks
I am not even 100% certain on this one to be honest!