interior tryout

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Nice work, I really like it - 'specially since it looks (color-wise) like my own living room ;)
thanks a lot for sharing!
thanks a lot for sharing.
Thanx guys for taking time to see my work and i'm really glad to see you like it. I agree with your comments about carpet, leather and pillows, so in next project I will pay more attention on those things. And mesraem my settings are: Primary bounce: Irradiance map (High); Sec bounce: Light cache; Color mapping: Exponential; Ligtning: Environment on 8-9 and target direct light to simulate sunlight and a little bit of photoshop :)
very nice render you have there ilija, i second regarding the carpet texture and leather but for me it's a two thumbs up can you tell us about the settings?
Very very nice! My only comment is that the green pillows look a little stiff compared to the larger pillows. Maybe soften them a bit. Personally I love it!

other than those few things I really like the render and give it a thumbs up... for books, you should check out this thread:

thanx, I appreciate suggestion and I agree with you. I'm doing another picture right now with alterations on carpet and leather but I don't have nerves to line up books on the book shelves.. Tell how I can improve render quality to be more real, like a picture, do you have some advice?
I like it alot... if you want to be really picky, I would say that the leather texture seems big and the carpet might need a little work... and maybe mess the pillows up a bit so they are not all so perfect. Books on the book shelf?