A Bowling ally of some Description
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Alex Bennett
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Turn your brain off and enjoy would be my review of that film ^^
neil poppleton
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Finally watched the movie and it should really be called Cowboys and Indians v Aliens..... not the best movie I have ever watched.
Jason Matthews
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Wait there's a bowling ally??? ;)
neil poppleton
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Is the film not worth watching then ?
Paul Sebastian
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As a person who has been bowling since I was 3, here's my knowledge to pass on:
-The holes on the balls are too close together.
-The balls are too reflective/shiny, only highly polished ones would like that way. Bowling balls are either plastic, urethane or resin, so tie the material to those characteristics.
-The wood for the lanes is wrong, they should be boards (see this image - )
-The ball returns are too far up the lane, they should begin by the seating area.
-The length of the lanes seem too short, double check the dimensions.
This info is only meant to help your render be more realistic of course, given the fact you did this out of boredom it might not matter much.
Alex Bennett
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Heh yeah its a erm... private bowling ally, ^_^
Aubrey Millard
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With that picture at the end I'd be throwing gutter balls all night :)