WIP Bathroom
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I dont know if its a mistake or lack of control over the software.
your tubelight (bulb) is suffering from clamping issues I guess.
Nick Harvey
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Here is a new update with some of the items re-scaled and a little more post production work. Next I am going to work on reflections and other items to put in the scene. [ATTACH=CONFIG]43566[/ATTACH]
Nick Harvey
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I love adding color, but i want to keep the scene in a minimalistic style, however if you have and ideas I am open. As for the light tube I was thinking the same thing and I have already begun to fix it. Now I tried to create a nice bathrug with hair and fur but I ended up with terrible outputs. Any ways I will update with these suggestions in my next render. Thank you everyone.
Nick Harvey
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Thank you for your input as well, As I said earlier the bathtub is supposed to look abnormally big ( i need to find a away to make that obvious to end viewer). The ideas for the reflections sound awesome, I will attempt those next. As for the basin on the counter that will be depicted in a few more camera angles that will be rendered out.
Nick Harvey
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krimson2580 Thank you for the reply.
Overall the bathtub is supposed to look thick and over-sized, Its the way the picture i'm trying to replicate depicts it. However you are correct on the water tap I will re-model it to make it look more slender and elegant. As for the pictures on my website, I am trying to move careers over into freelance arch viz artist and i needed a new website. So the photo's are just stock photos I used to test the javascript design. Overall I would like to get to that point of photorealistic arch viz artist, but as for now I am working to replace the photos one by one and hopefully with this project.
yousif alsoukar
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I like it
I have things may help
1 if you add some colours or object with strong colour to make eyes happy
2 water taps or mixers need some ambient occlusion
3 light tube is need better glow it shooting light to near by wall Are you using other lights in that area cos it far from light source
4 if you add some window divider to add shadows to sun light or maybe tree shadows just to make it more interesting
5 some objects on bath like duke or shampoo or towels just to make it busy for eyes
Still I'm sure people will agree with me or don't in the end I'm sure you will find glowing ideas around here
Meher Thakker
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overall very nice....just need to change the exposure a bit...
good luck
Satish Jogi
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Its not too bad an image overall, just few things
1. Needs to be chacked again for scale,
2. Is there a basin below the mirror, you can probably do something to define more on what is happening there. Work on the tap so we know there's a basin there, or add some accessories.. Or even adjust the height of the camera a little
3. There are windows on your right, right? Why not play with the reflection on the wall on the left to show some form of window frame outline being reflected.. You can also add colour your reflection on that wall with a very slight blue to mimic sky reflected there..
Hope that will help :)
Good luck!
Wim Clissen
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Hello again,
Light and materials are in my opinion ok now.
Only thing i still don't like is the scale of the bathtub (it seems too thick) and the diameter of the watertap seems also way to thick.
How thick is the tub and the watertap?
By the way, the renderings on your website look way better then the image you posted now.
kind regards