Gavin Mcginty

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Excellent Work ........... Good Luck !
Congrats man ! Great job !!!
Cheers for all the feedback! Seriously amazed at how it got VPOTW! Thanks very much! :D
very nice but i think too much bump on red chair congrats... :)
Lovely image, very nice balance of light. It makes me wonder what the other side of the room looks like which I like, nice camera work. Everyone has said it as well but the chair is the only major glitch really. Cracking job!!
most of the time the wooden floors really lack realism.. i can honestly say: nice floors. and the overal scene is nice ofc just mind the bump on the chair ;) it's "harch"
I agree with the Dansk. I like the sheets and the floor. I would try maybe the lamp a little smaller, a little less bump on the chair, something is curious abour the texture of the shelf. It looks like there is a bit of back light in there. I think the frame of the painting is a bit thin. Good job. Michel
Cheers For the comments! I agree about the chair, annoyingly I upped the displacement a few notches just before that last render :shake: Maybe try to region render the 2 again.
Nice clean render... Nice view ! Only 2 things that really bother me is the leather on the red chair (that surface looks way off from the real chairs surface) + the inside of the lamp....i think it's just a little too much too (should be more smooth !) The floor looks nice even though it's a little bit too scaled for my taste (nice wood color) Good job !!!!!