snow street

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Very beautiful!!!!
Still waiting for making of :)
the making of had been post here,but it doesn't show on the new version of cgarchitect.but you can find it here : http://www.evermotion.org/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=89485&page=10
Still waiting for making of :)
Hats off to TZ !
hi matthew! What a lovely surprise !! actually,I really appreciate that moment when I was in dbox. wish dbox more and more awesome!big hug~
Hats off to TZ !
You are an artist... You are giving a soul in your artworks. I also remember art museum. General congrats Tianyi Zhu!
Wow.. Excellent Work
Wow......... Excellent Work ... Really like it... Good Luck ! :-O)
I think the sign might say "Smart *****". It must be an advertisement for some kind of school for cats.
wow perfect
I love your style! Keep it up
Best snow rendering i have ever seen!
How did you create this image? Is it a paste up from several photos? Thanks! I am going to try and do the technique with mental ray. I dont know what kind of hit this much displacement will do to rendering time. Is vray better with displacement render times?
sorry for this later,I really have lack time,any comments are weclome
As said the greatness always lies in the simplicity...! TianYi, you makes it seems like it's very easy.. but I know a great artist only can make like this with such elegance and with ease. Thank you for sharing the valuable information and steps for such a good work.
WOW, I am in awe. great work :)
Fantastic!! Guess it's the comin' winter in 2012, really stuNNIng!
thank you so much...