Photoshop from Sketchup
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Michael Brown
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Quality stuff. Always nice to see a different approach than the standard max vray evermotion status quo. You've obviously got some PS chops. Thanks for sharing.
A minor crit: This may be a result of where the building is designed geographically, but It looks very lonely to me with no hint of any accompanied context around it. It's a little centric for my tasting. A different crop might help to keep the eye moving a little throughout the piece. Say, maybe lob off the left 25%.
I like how the light streaks die into the corner of the image.

Michael Jones
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Thanks very much for the comments! Hopefully I will do another one soon and see if I can produce similar results...

Saul Caldwell
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Great work. Nice colours create a good moody atmosphere.
The lighting is also excellent to say it's all been done in post.
Very well done.

marius erasmus
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Great you can share your process!
emile abou sawane
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great work man

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Off-course you did a great job when its straight from PS. ;)
Robert Dokic
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Good job, Michael! Love it!
Steve Mai
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Great work Michael.:)
thomas battjes
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This is stunning work..especially straight from PS