tadao ando's church of light
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Hi, as rendering the hole thing is quite nice. A bit too dark but, ok.
But man, this is a Satan worshiper`s church :d, or I would expect Satan to be on one of the benches :d, quite creepy for a church :d . You can try to make a pair of red eyes on one of the humans there , or wy not all the eyes ...some king of zombie , demon , satanist church :d .
Sorry, i think i exagerated now. Anyway good work.
Jimmy Changa
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No dears there! maybe some rats :D
The darkness was a bit my idea. The point is not showing textures or cool details, you can understand the space and some details, what is important is what's happening, what light is showing you, not everything that is there. a bit like an underexposed photography. And the main thing here: this is for no client so no happy images needed, no lots of colors, no happy people, no warming up the image :)
Juraj Talcik
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I enjoy the athmosphere, and you concealed the people very nicely into it.
Don't bother yourself with cliche, I do the same, wanna try what others tried too before I move on to new :- ).
I agress it's bit dark though.
Sketchrender Ltd
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it's bit dark, I wouldn't like to going up for Holy communion, I might fall over some old dear and break her Zimmer frame.
Light it up a bit you can't see all the detail you put in.