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Athanasios Karampitsakos
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Yes, this is a mutal photo on a vinyl sticker that will be applicate on the wall. The bricks will be put after.
Gary Ledgerwood
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I dont understand what is going on in the second and third images... Is that a photo mural of a brewery applied to a brick wall and around the louvered doors?
Athanasios Karampitsakos
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Thank you all for your comments.
Matt: The lighting configuration was made by the real photos of the interior. You have to consider that here in Greece we have a lot of sunlight and this interior has many windows on 2 sides.
Jonathan: Hey dude! I hope you are good! Yes I wish the client would like to let me put all that stuff you mention.....but he didn't like to put more than a people figure.
Tom: Yes these bricks will be put on the beams...but don't worry, they will use synthetic bricks (which are lighter) that are been applicate like nothing is going to go through anyones mind.....!
Tom Suess
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Wierd that the architect chose to put bricks on the beams. I hope none of those faux bricks fall.
Jonathan Sanchez
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Looks real nice Than
Wish there was a bit more life in there.. perhaps stuff atop the tables and more ppl... but nice lighting/modelling nonetheless
Matt McDonald
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I think its too bright in there.