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first ever project nicely done on your part gud work.. keep it up...
Scott Baumberger
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Watch the perspecive - the towers in the background aren't converging to the same vertical vanishing point. I'd recommended re-doing it as a 2-point. Give the glass something to reflect so it pops out from the sky.
sandeep singh
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thanks guys for your valuable comments......i will try to improve it
Adeel Hameed
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I agree....he is ryt.
Actually i just copy this image & did composite on photoshop it's was not bad afet composite....i think so u didm't try to composite it.....just u need good composite.
ur building is dark,specular is missing & sky is also dead.
marius erasmus
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Building is way to dark, it blends with the background and a bit to in your face, would have been better to have some breathing space.