Countryl Kitchen
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Antoine Desjardins
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Thanks Aubrey. I'll take a second look at the stainless on the fridge. I think its just a uvw adjustment. As for the wood tex, I agree. I changed it in the 3rd image, but did not adjust the uvws. Might be worth finding a grainy dark wood tex that tiles better.
The tape was cool. Great way to help the client visualize the final product.
Aubrey Millard
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Good modeling, I like the layout.
The stainless texture on the fridge looks a little over scaled, not sure if it's the POV but it looks like it is stretching beside the ice maker. Not sure if it was the clients choice or not but I don't like the wood texture, it looks a little over scaled too.
The second counter looks kinda cool and I love the material on the counter top.
Very cool how you used the tape to help the client visualize the layout.
Antoine Desjardins
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Another iteration of the kitchen island.