Lasse Rode

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Excellent Work .......!
Good Idea!
You have a photographers eye, I also like your textures. Really nice.
Absolutely awesome!!!...........love it!
great images! congrats
Excellent work! I love the way each image gives a very different feel, while all working together as a whole.
I should mention that its a very nice work. bravo ;)
very nice images:) congrats`
great job! i love the landscape & the contrast in the black & white image!
Very nice....makes me think of archigram
thank you guys for your kind words, i really appreciate that. yes, samuel, these different tonallities more or less accidentely appeared by tinkering around with compositions, lighting conditions and what i had in mind it should look like. then after the first shots it became kind of a thematic approach in an aesthetic way.. regards ;) L
Very nice images Lasse. Well done!
These are great! The sand and dune grasses look amazing and I really like your color and composition choices! Each one is tonally very different but they really work.