Simple Office

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good lightning,the AO looks weird for me specially on the corner
Very Nice....so beautiful....I like classic designer Furniture.Now a days new chairs are available.These looks like as Charles Eames Chairs.People visited at staples and they are saying these are Charles Eames chairs reproduction.that is Surprise for everyone.We can arrange our Office with nice designed chairs.
akryll & Think3d : hhhmmmm camera and the background ..... problem is often most difficult to set an appropriate background hehehe...thx bro...
Nice image I think. most materials look great and lighting is nice. Just don't like the material on the chairs, look a bit plastic and the view outside makes it look like the building is falling towards the parc.
thx HVB....i will fix it...
Franky nice image. The lighting and modelling is very nice. I don't mind about the chair's material because it could be a glossy semi-leather material, but I don't like the environment image is like a off-white print which doesn't give the real life feeling.
I would agree, the image is very nice, the chairs need a bit of work, the lighting and other textures are good too. The camera view seems like we are on an upward angle, but the window makes it seem like we are looking down out of the building.
Nice image I think. most materials look great and lighting is nice. Just don't like the material on the chairs, look a bit plastic and the view outside makes it look like the building is falling towards the parc.