Nicolas Richelet

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Lovely work, time well spent!
Thanks guys for the comments :) @Vizcon : i'd say that the style here is more Luxigon than Mir, because of the colors, the sharpness of the image and the light effects. I think MIR is more realistic in the color treatment, and more soft. Luxigon images are more abstracts in some manners. This kind of image requires more photoshop work than 3D, but the 3D base image have to be good too. You can learn more on ronenbekerman.com, where you will find MIR and Luxigon interviews.
Excellent.........awesome design idea and mood in the rendering....:D........yeah a little more gathering outside would be a blast - but i still think this staff deserves to become the Visualization Pro of this week.......:D........i say again - EXCELLENT!!!
Fabulous!! Could you explain a bit more about specific rendering styles like MIR. I'm really exciting about your picture.
Thanks emonimo, i agree about the people. I plan to add some more asap, i will update the image.
Nice image, I think you achived a very nice result, near MIR stile, my only crit is that perhaps I would ad more people outside, something more crowded... Colors, mood and composition is really great...