£ukasz Malik

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Nice work sir and thank you for sharing
it has a nice grade of abstraction.... very minimalistic... >>
[FONT="][SIZE=3]Greetings Thank you very much for appreciating my work.[/SIZE][/FONT][SIZE=3]:D [/SIZE] [FONT="][SIZE=3] The work is pretty old, I've done it about a year ago - the purpose of this project was finding acontemporary architecutral [/SIZE][/FONT][SIZE=3] [/SIZE] [FONT="][SIZE=3]form of apartment and the detail, in monumental city of Gdansk. I have a lot of new projects, but they are not in appropriate resolution to be send on cgarchitect.com. I've never before published my works on foreign portals, I did it only on one polish portal, maybe I will change it now. Once again I thank you for that nomination and for your kind words, [/SIZE][/FONT][SIZE=3][COLOR=Gray][/COLOR][/SIZE][FONT="][SIZE=3]is my very close friend :) He's also an architect, much more experienced in designing, hehe.[/SIZE][/FONT] [SIZE=3] [/SIZE] [FONT="][SIZE=3]Yes I'm a designer/architect (still student :) ) - GEES, the designs on website are also real realisations. I also do [/SIZE][/FONT][SIZE=3] [/SIZE] [FONT="][SIZE=3]comercial/architectural visualizations, here's a PDF [/SIZE][/FONT][SIZE=3][SIZE=2][U][/U][/SIZE] [/SIZE] [FONT="][SIZE=3] with examples of my comercial works.. and a print [/SIZE][/FONT][SIZE=3] [/SIZE] [FONT="][SIZE=3]from the nominated scene.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT="]Best regards.[/FONT] [FONT="]ARCH515[/FONT]
I'd love to see this in really high res, jhv
This is one of those images where you have to study it to get a full measure as to how much detail there really is. At first glance it is easy to pass over, once you study it it becomes better and better. Well done jhv
Those were my thoughts exactly when I chose this image. If you looks at it closely you realize just how well it's done.
This is one of those images where you have to study it to get a full measure as to how much detail there really is. At first glance it is easy to pass over, once you study it it becomes better and better. Well done jhv
their work is very similar to this artist.
great contrast, very moody composition, great work :)
Very nice images. I'm just working out of 2D into 3D. Mostly doing exterior projects. Your designs are inspirational! Thank you!
Very strong image. Composition and the colors-mood are powerful.
Hello, I love the style of the picture, and I love the color correction, you can tell us something about the post and what is the trick to the wet asphalt thank you very much
hi jeff and seen your work and your website is really amazing.! greetings from Mexico!
Am I the only one who kept getting a copyright notice popping up when viewing their website?. It was really annoying, I would suggest you scrap the pop up. I closed the website because of it. Beautiful work by the way.
Just when you think you know all the great viz artists out there more amazing work pops up. A very nice image and a stunning website, inspirational.
Nice image, I love the rainy atmosphere. BTW superb interior visualizations on your website. Must agree with "GEES" - some of the best I've seen in a long time. Such a beautiful minimalistic style and perfectly executed all the way through. Keep up the good work :)
Image choosen quite average. But the work on your website outstanding, some of the best 3d interior work I have seen. Are you guys a design company? I ask because your work has the same design style throughout. Congratulations really great work.
Is the first letter of his first name pronounced an L? as in Lukas? nice imagary.
wow really makes a statement ... nice