Colorfull Night
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Luis Linares Kuan Studio
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Thanks man.
The lighting was done in max, but the color was changed in ps
Trollski del Castillo
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COOL! is the structure lighting done in 3d max vray render? or by photoshop?
it really looks nice. specially those round spots that emulates the rain on the windshield. :)
Luis Linares Kuan Studio
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yes, you are right marwan, great comment
marwan s
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psychologically ppl are very attracted to dark art and imagery and "max payne" style... the game was a great success i dunno much about the movie. in general the architect, the visualizer and/or the artist teach the ppl what to like... and architects seem to go for positive and warm and neat images i think to be safe with clients... but u can always break rules even in presentations not just for the fun of testing... anyway i understand and respect both point of views
Luis Linares Kuan Studio
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Thanks for your critics Andy, but I think it's a taste matter, we want this because the real render for client was done, and we want to do a more dramatic image to do some test...thanks anyway!
Andy Pennington
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a few thoughts for you while i wait for stuff to render. :P
Although i think at first glance its pretty interesting, but upon closer inspection i kinda think there are a few things holding the image back. My first issue is that i feel the composition is quite heavily unbalanced, for some reason your eye is drawn from the door to the rain drops on the lens and the building just seems to sit awkwardly to the left - I would have been tempted for a slightly closer wider angle lens for more drama. Secondly although the rain im sure was very fun to do with the drops on the lens etc, what is the advantage of doing a dark and murky 'max payne' style rainy night over say a psychologically more positive and warm, summer evening shot with a dusk sky? Thirdly, an important part of visualization of buildings like this is often the entrance, but bizarrely you have semi covered it up with time lapse car-streaks....
The image has ALOT of potential but to me it feels like you are pulling tricks to hide it, rather than going to lengths to sell the vision. To leave it on a more positive note, its still an interesting image and has alot of potential to be very dramatic. Hope this helps in some way. :)
Athanasios Karampitsakos
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I agree. Very nice.
Luis Linares Kuan Studio
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Thanks Jonathan!
Jonathan Sanchez
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Nice Work Luis...good movement on the image.