House on the Hill

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thanks 4 ur reply. ya ur right simonhc used directlight. waiting 4 ur next post. great to have chat with u.
Chetan, no it is not the simonhc project file. I was actually looking at the vraydirt method he applied to create leaking stains onto a wall, which I did not use. I used a composite map. But having started that, I ended up building my own version from scratch. I was also playing around with his use of a gradient in the translucency slot for the globe lights inside the house. I probably should have pulled them out but neglected to do so. For the lighting, I used 2 sources, a vray dome light with an hdr and a vray sun for more direct shadows and ended up with what you see. I believe simonhc used a direct light. Although simon's scene ended up being an inspiration for what you see here, it is not his file.
i think its simonhc aka motyw project file. lighting, grass almost everthing except architectural model. but nice to learn from great artists. for a image i think fog is not necessary there. sky can be changed to sunset mood.
Thanks Jan....I think I've seen you somewhere before!
nice mood!