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Right now I see very beautiful thingsaround web with Unreal engine ...
Thank you. which one are you using at the moment. is it integrated with max, I have the same request all the time , when I hand over a project can they have the model as in the max version with vray quality to show the client at the meeting. What would you suggest. Thank you again, lovely work on your website. Phil
Hi philip, for now I do not have much to show ended with the CryENGINE, apart from this little animation dates back to 2012.
I use it sometimes with achitecture agency during the design phase. And why CryENGINE? yesterday I would say "what else", nowadays there are some real-time rendering engine which are of very high quality and perhaps more flexible than the cry;-) anyway thanks you for comment.. cheers Ciao!
lovely work, and nice website too. what have you completed with cryengine and why cryengine if you don't mind me asking?