Taliesin Mod.Fab

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Great work! I love the environnement.
Thanks guys, much appreciated :)
Love the environment you set up with this, looks amazing!
I love everything about this. The house is beautiful and all the little details you added are great! Great job!
Thanks mumbus!
Awesome images!
Thanks, I agree TSuess, I've used low-poly trees and I have to say that I really regret that!
Very nice. The only thing I can find fault with is the trees. The leaves look slightly off, too uniform, oddly bunched up. But that's being really picky.
wow! realy cool images!
Thanks a lot. It's just a low-poly plane with displacement (8K maps). Here is a close-up at original resolution. [ATTACH=CONFIG]42558[/ATTACH]
Nice shots. I'm all about sustainable pre-fab. Very impressive work for the ground material by the way.