Tom Svilans (July 1, 2010)

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Excellent Work ..........!
Great image with nice warm atmosphere. My compliments
nice images
fantastic images and a fantastic website! Definitely one of the better sites I have seen in a while... love the slider and the different feel to it. I also really like that this is Blender... I know I'm not supposed to judge work based on what software produces it, but this is the best Blender work I have ever seen for arch viz. Rad.
Thank you all for your great feedback! Definitely very motivating. I agree, the vignetting and contrast may be a bit too much for some tastes, however the intent was to make something a bit more intense or even experimental in terms of mood and toning. As long as the general mood is carried across, I'm happy :) I'll keep all the comments in mind for the future, though!
amazing work man ... you deserve it good
Fantastic work mate, not to mention the quality work on your website, worth checking out
Fantastic views, loved the website work as well ! Some really nice atmospheric work on there well worth a look.
Congratulations! very well deserved.
As i already told you great work! You really deserve the award!
Nice images. I like the atmosphere and minimal feeling.
Nice imagery. Like the feel of the renders. Like the first slide on your website :) Very nice work there as well.
fantastic images. You got the originals to compare to? I like how these were done without using max, vray or mR.