Factory dusk view
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george sandoval
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Nice but it's strange and inconsistent that the drive is reflecting the diamond lights above the car but not the large
diamond lights above the planter on the right.
David Arbogast
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I agree. The rendering and building design are both nice, but the result of the composition is that the car is the image's focal point. And since you're posting the rendering on ŷAV.com rather than CGcardesigner.com it's safe to assume this wasn't your intention. ;) You need a better camera angle/position that will allow the car to be seen as part of the contextual entourage for the architecture rather than the architecture serving as the contextual backdrop for the car.
I really like your lighting. Very nice. I do not love the heavy vignetting, especially with dark images. The value of the sky becomes darkened to the point that it nearly blends with the building in the upper-left corner, which shouldn't be a desired effect. As a suggestion, maybe you could back off the vignetting by about 50%, which would retain some of the effect, but hopefully would help resolve the building against the sky.
Dave Buckley
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the rendering is nice, but it looks more like marketing for a car rather than a building?
Nicolas Bischoff (www.burn.co.za)
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Nice work!