Bertrand Benoit
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Absolutely beautiful image. Keep up the good work.
Ar Manoj Upadhyay
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Hey Jeff
It's a superb work I have seen sorry for late reply but I really like the ambiance the color of the view. Can you provide me the setting's of rendering and lighting you did in this.
Peter Matejovsky
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***** :D impressive piece of work!
Anwar Salie
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fantastic picture can i recreate similar grass with mentalray
Abstract CanvasVanguard
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I really liked this image as like the first post it's like one of those days where there is clear bright sky then a huge storm cloud rolling in and you know its going to literraly chuck it down! great ambience.
Regarding the colour map of the grass, I have been playing with this idea recently, how did you apply it while still retaining the specific colours and translucencies of the different vegetation? I may be overthinking this however!
Thorsten Hartmann
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oh yes, very nice work.
Roberto De Rose
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Greate work mate! Wonderful postprocessing! You deserve the award!
Bertrand Benoit
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I wasn't sure whether to take this seriously, looking at the date of this post, but it seems real. So thanks a lot CG Architects for the flattering accolade.
Regarding Ronen's comment, I can see your point. I still have the render passes for this, so I might actually have a go at working on another background sky.
Brian: I used VrayScatter for the grass. It is made of five different objects (short grass, long grass, clover, daisies, weeds), with the distribution driven by B&W maps. There's a large colour map too, which covers the entire garden area, and is used to colorize the proxies so that they don't appear too uniform and repetitive.
Brian Rider
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Awesome! Anybody know how he created that cool vegetation/grass?
Stefan Melo
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great work!, great detail, and the grass... very nice!! Feels very strange to me, there is no whites or blacks in the picture...
Alfa Smyrna
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Congratulations! :)
I always enjoy the hard-work and the details in your images very much.
Michael J. Brown
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Henk Groeneveld
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Nice image!
Scott Barrington
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fantastic image!
AdriaaN van Jaarsveld
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2 words - SIMPLY AMAZING!!!!!
I love the tone of the image. It gives me that feeling you get just before the heavens open up and gives a huge downpour.