bath room for berlin project "königsdächer"

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..actually it was white before but the client didn´t like it.
yeah ... this sucks :d. I`m curious when they go to the dentist, they teach them also how to work ? Anyway, keep it up man. Greetings
..actually it was white before but the client didn´t like it.
Hi, really nice mood. I would change the textures on the flower pots , maybe better white, anyway not the same texture as on the tiles.
....thanks for the nice comments. Since it was a commercial project and a tight deadline the are still some minor things to fix. Nevertheless the project is finished and payed and I have to move on to new ones @ryderSK: Colormapping is Linear 1/1 so actually no influence on the render , but rendered as 16 Bit and applied some curves during post work in PS @shmuck3d: I used Cinema 4d and Vray with the spherical cam. the player coding to embed it in the internet did a friend
overall are looking good for me. congrats mate! love em all. mind telling what software used for the 360? thanks in advance. ~muck
5 stars from me. Exceptional work, one of the best I have seen lately :). Keep up the good work.
Excellent work! Great lighting and texturing.
You have done good images Dennis, but you have to improve some things in order to look more real... I attach 2 images in order to show you my coorections [ATTACH=CONFIG]45600[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]45601[/ATTACH] 1 = These areas are too light compared to rooms reflections and shadows. 2+3 = These areas are too light compared to their shadows and the bottle besides mirror doesn't cast shadow.
Stunning realism. Would you mind sharing a bit about light setup and color mapping ?
Good lighting. A+ quality. although your tree models does not look as realistic as the whole image. also your left side tub is flaoting as well as towel. :(
some different views of the same bathroom [ATTACH=CONFIG]45591[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]45592[/ATTACH]