My Second!
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you are very weak
ehsan khosravi esfarjani
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i like minimalism.
Love Chaurasia
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I like that dark area in ur render but in the first one if u could reduce the glow near the windows say by 30% i think it will be more close to reality.
overall very nicely done
Marcin Jastrzebski
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Very nice renderings, good light and overall mood!
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So this is the so-called "artificial lightning" scene..I'm having doubts that it's a little bit dark and gloomy.
The second one is a DOF experiment, the blur came out kinda noisy and not so good, so I did some corrections with photoshop...And again flares - it seams I can't hold myself when it comes to them :D
Farzad Firoozi
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Great Work.Nice Design!
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I am really thankful to all. It is a great boost indeed to recieve anykind of feedback!
And yeah, I prefer the contrast/drama more, because it tells a different story everytime. It reminds me of a music video/ movie scene, lol
"Nighty" render soon! :D
Antoine Desjardins
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Nice style. I actually like the effects employed in the initial render. If the intent was to create a high contrast/dramatic scene.. mission accomplished.
William Garcia
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Good work, each with its own style!
Michael Michaelides
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Hi There. No i am not the author of the architectural design. I did the visualization for the architect and the owner of the building according to my his description and my personal taste/style. One think i can recommend to you is this: freeze all furniture, plants, blinds etc. Leave just the walls slabs, windows and then do a test render. Post it if you want and i may be able to guide you on how to reduce the excessive contrast.
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Well I've never claimed that the i[U]nterior idea[/U] was originaly mine. A friend of mine showed HIS variation of I thought I could do redo it in my own way. More important at this point were the light/material settings and the way the whole thing works. As for the primal idea, yes it is a great interior set (talking as an architect). And I think that publishing such materials as in general are a great way to teach people like me who are just getting started.
Mr. michaelidesm, are you the autor of the original idea?If so, glad to meet you! ;)
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Well I am truly happy to meet the autor of my inspiration. :D
Michael Michaelides
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Hi There. I have two images that i did while ago and they look very similar in concept. Maybe all arcitects drink from the same drinking well (ha,ha,ha).
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Thanks to both of you! Well, maybe it is a bit darker indeed..
I've made like 30 maybe it's because I like a bit more gloomy interior scenes :D
The flares on the first piece are almost where they should be..but the on second one are more like.."here looks good!" ;)..Well..they are movable anyways, I was just testing. And about the learning ..well I had those basic interior settings once (too too basic) and I am trying to develop what I like. And it's the "try-fail" method :o
Right now I am testing the artificial lights...I will post a render maybe later. I have some weird shadow issue :confused: and it looks I could use some help
Thank you once again and cheers from Bulgaria!
marwan s
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they look good, same comment regarding lighting at some points looking dark. about the flares they look ok to me but i dont know if they r exact in this particular position of ur cam.. anyway there are more important effects or adjustments u can do on photoshop or other software just try to have a workflow that u can still use if u had an animation... i cant comment on time taken cz i dont know where u learned from and what u already know... try experimenting with more complex geometry, that way u can learn more about lighting.
Athanasios Karampitsakos
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Hello and welcome. The images are very nice for a second attempt but I would remove the flares because are a little bit confusing and I would tune up the lighting inside the buildings because are too dark to be true.