Juraj Talcik
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Juraj Talcik
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Thank you. At the moment I stay in Bratislava, but plan to move back to Prague soon and stay there...for very long time I guess :- ). I work online
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Juraj - GREAT work! I wish there were more renderers like you in Prague. May I ask you, you work locally or telecommuting?
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Think you got the hardest part correct, the rest you can learn in an instant, and in any way the majority of people look great. Just burn and expose in regards to light source and also color correct. I notice that inserting people correctly takes a whole bunch of time, although clients think its just "stick them in" oh well
Once again great work mate!
Juraj Talcik
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Thank you a lot ;- )
About the people, I had no idea how to comp, this was first time I had to use them, I allways had grudge against them. But then again, MIR incorporates them beautifully ! I wish I knew how they do it :- ) Gonna train that now
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Fantastic work mate, really like the feel and the color, the textures are really nice. Only little minor thing are the people on the right on your first image!
Btw great work on your site, keep them coming, always great to see your work
Tomislav Lalic
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Ismael 1-1
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Struggle or not, the images inspire one to go and see the place. In other words, I feel the Architecture.
Juraj Talcik
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