Medical Center night

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Simple and Clean, nice!
Thanks man !
Simple and Clean, nice!
You´re right about the comment about the grass behind the plants. But, when you are working in an architectural competition, some things are not priority. This is an example of that. We make in a few days close to 20 images to show our project. Some details are out of our focused intentions. Anyway, talking about the image, I think you´re right about it.
Very nice images. The only thing is the flat grass beneath the plants.
thanks for your idea. We´´try it ! ;)
...This light the only to illuminate all of this space and that´s the reason to make it...QUOTE] Well Juan Try this: Lower the values of the "external light", and create one or two lights inside this space, make them both invisible to the camera, so that the final effect will be kind of ambient light. (Sorry if my english is not correct :s )
May be you´re right about the light. This light the only to illuminate all of this space and that´s the reason to make it, mat be, to much hard. Anyway, thanks for your comment !
Hola Juan I liked your imagem, but i don´t quite understand why the outside light looks so burned out, you could lower a little bit the outside light intensity. But that is just my opinion. I liked the perspective