Grass with pflow
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Juan Carlos Moreno
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in your first example, the downfall I see is the lack of variation in the grass. It looks great but unrealistic to have the grass strands all in the same direction. I think adding some variety to the direction of the blades will really make the grass awesome
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in my opinion there isnt enough light getting through the translucency map.
nelson fernandes
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This one has been done with the second method I´ve said. PFlow and vrayscatter
nelson fernandes
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It took about 15min to get the grass as I liked it. There are actually 2 ways to do this: one is purely using PFlow and the other one is using PFlow and a plugin called vrayscatter (or multiscatter). Both methods work very nicely and you can scatter the along any geometry. Hope it helps. Good luck.
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How long did it take to create this scene? will it work according to surface? like on hill? If it takes no time for you. we will be glad to see a short tutorial. :)
God's blessing be upon those who follow the guidance.
nelson fernandes
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the main reason is because is easy to set up and all procedural, so if you don´t like the grass blade you change it and whole systems changes.
Thanks for the comments.
luc van amerongen
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Very close to the camera it could use some photoshop, but for farther away it looks good. It is easy to handle this?
Is there a reason you have choosen Pflow instead of other grass-techniques?