Nursing Home competition rendering

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stunning work ! all renders should be like this. thumbs up!
Wow, this is great!
steyin>> thanks, well wich kind of sky would you switch with ? i m quite happy with this one..simple, light...with lines that contrast with the "organic" shapes of the whole vegetation surrounding the project.. John Dollus>> thank you, it seems this guy walking is kind of disturbing yes, anyway, he is no really walking at the top of the hill, but further the camera, following the red stones wall that goes on the left.. unfortunately thats not a typical nursing home, but this one is particularly well designed..good work from the architects !!
i like this one a lot though i agree about the man on the left at the top of the hill. It just looks as though he should be pushed back a bit from the top and the lady in black along the base disappears in the dark glass somewhat. Very nice image overall. on another note, if that's a typical nursing home in france, I'll be changing my citizenship. I've visited a few here in the US and there's no comparison.
I'd switch out the chem/contrail sky with another. Other than that it looks really nice.
Inxa>> rendered on i7 950 @3.5Ghz, it took less than 4hours 4000pixel wide.
Quite fast. ;)
thank you all for your kind words! about the environment, i was supposed to composite the rendering with backplate from photos of the real site, but it turned out complicated as the site is still totally populated by trees and rough vegetation actually. On the other side, the site has a quite important slope where the building sites in, and it would be hard/impossible to composite rendering on random landscape photo...at least without spending hours or days looking for photos that could fit the environment supposed to be surrounding this project (even not talking about flexibility given by 3d/multimatte techniques for playing with color variation of the foliage). Inxa>> rendered on i7 950 @3.5Ghz, it took less than 4hours 4000pixel wide.
Nice render - the humans :P really. What machine you rendering on. Those trees would have taken a lot of time.
thank you for sharing another breathtaking scene! ~cheers mate!
Nice renders! Love the landscaping.
Very Nice love the colors.
Your command of environment really helps the architecture stand out in this piece. Great work.
Really nice images. The trees turned out great.
great atmosphere with colour.
The people in the most left image looks as if he is about to fall down. he should be removed. rendering was awesome. grade A render.