renwick street

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Great Renders! Love it...
GREAT .... Just Great !!! no word more no Word Less !! GREAT !!
Excellent renders. How did you model the carpet? Please share.
So beautiful.
The overall feel for this space is the best I have seen in a while...the grain works well with the diffuse lighting and the whole ambience. I really like the fiberglass mat on the eames'. Great job.
Thats great work maybe a bit noisy but excellent none the less!
four more: [IMG]http://img860.imageshack.us/img860/3954/120106cam09high.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/9787/120106cam08high.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img814.imageshack.us/img814/5601/120106cam07.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img808.imageshack.us/img808/7963/120106cam06high.jpg[/IMG]
and the other ones: [IMG]http://img843.imageshack.us/img843/9174/120106cam04high.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/8464/120106cam12high.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/7605/120106cam11.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img851.imageshack.us/img851/1589/120106cam10high.jpg[/IMG]