Simple single family house exterior

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Dear ŷAV: I bookmarked this house last year, simply because I want to be able to come back to it again and again. I am artistic. That is why I appreciate a work of art when I see one. I like this model because it is pretty. It shows that the designer is not just an architect, but an artist as well; in the sense that the designer paid attention to what pleases the eye and not simply to what is ideal and practical. To me a car, clothing and a home are not simply things made from different components put together to be used. They must be beautifully designed, otherwise I would not buy them. I commend you for coming up with this lovely home. One day when I have saved enough money, I would like to order the blue prints and have it built on my own plot of land. Until then I will settle for a glossy photo of it, if you can spare one, for me to keep until I am ready to build one like it. Below is my address. Sincerely Apolo Apolo Kaggwa P.O. Box 11514 Washington, D.C. 20008 USA