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Good job! Looks like a room i'd love to have my whiskey in ;) I think divider between the stone wall and the wood ceiling would make it look a bit more "real". Cheers!
THanks for the + comments guys!
Just awesome.. Mod, text, light, colours,...
Excellent job - i really like the mood of it!
Good job! Looks like a room i'd love to have my whiskey in ;) I think divider between the stone wall and the wood ceiling would make it look a bit more "real". Cheers!
Pretty great!!! Beautiful job.
Thanks for the comments. Yeah, the halfway house 3D wasnt my fav of the series - I think the pendant may take away from the "manly-ness" of the 3D :)
Awesome! Great texturing and attention to detail. I feel like the second image could use some sort of pendent light fixture.
Stunning! Love it!