House terrace at dusk

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You're welcome ! :) If it helps in any kind of way it's always a pleasure. :)
That's very kind of you to present your workflow. Adjustment layers and masks to bring out the lights and add contrast, very nice.
What post did you do in PS?
Well, quite a heavy one actually, but i think it's the case of almost all fine renders shown here, i don't think there's a lot of them without post-processing. If you want to have a look at how i did it, if you have Photoshop (i think a CS should be enough, although i'm not sure, being on CC) here is a link to the file : It's bit simplified as i'm using the dynamic files in the original PS file to change easily with an updated render, and i have reduced the size to 50% because the file was a bit huge. As i'm far from being an expert in post-processing i think it can greatly be enhanced but it will give you an idea.
What post did you do in PS?
Thanks for your comment, much appreciated ! :) To be honest, i didn't thought i could come up with a result like this not so long ago, as it's just my 5th project since i came back to archiviz after a 15 years break.
Nice to see Lightwave being put to such good use.