Manica Lunga Library

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Thanks! :)
Very nice Guetta!
the 1 point symmetrical views are the strongest and most beautiful. very nice work matt.
I won't be repeating myself Matt! As you know great job you have done here!love it
Thanks all for comments, much appreciated! Exactly, I've used AE for Post Prod. The main reason is that it saves lots of time when you're working on multiple stills and want the same mood. But also, and this is important to me, you can't use tools as stamp and else, so there is only color correction. I'm always working stills same as there were movies ;) So, my workflow looks like : . Comp#1 : Doing the passes job (AO, Reflection and else) . Comp#2 : #1 + Color correction. Magic Bullets + Levels + Curves + Color Balance . Comp#3 : #2 + VrayFog passes (with color correction and Exposure adjustements) . Comp#4 : #3 + DOF + Grain + Chromatic Abberation . Comp#5 : Render :) You can do exactly the same job in PS by using Groups and Layer adjustements for Color correction, It's less time for 1 but not for 5 stills ;)
Very nice piece. Maybe the spots could be turned on to the soffits and then lighten the soffits a tad...
I think he used AE for post. prod... something I've been trying to introduce to my workflow. Really nice work. The attention to detail is amazing.
Fantastic work! I was wondering if you'd be willing to share your photoshop workflow for the project?
Great texturing :) I just love the wooden floor
Great work!
Beautiful subject and result. I think symetry works best for this, underlining the classical character of the work and puting emphasis on the long perspectives. Well done!
Hi, Thanks for comment! Most of the time I'll agree with you, I'm not a big fan of symetry. But original (and 3d) library is not, wacht it carrefully you'll see that there is a little offset on wood doors. As the difference is little, doing symetrical image is the only way to show it. I agree, last shoot is the most efficient for stills but maybe not for the architecture ;)
I love the color and athmosphere. But I think you choose your compositions way to symetrical :- ), I would offset each atleast slightly, but that is my taste only, therefore I like the last image best ;- )