Rain interior

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Nice Moood .. I like it . but Your bump is too High as everyone Said
Thanks guys . Comment noted!
nice image overall, but I must agree on the bump thing, also the leather texture is way too big. Aren't there any other things to do than working out in a place like this ? :) cheers !
lighting is nice but go easy on the bump-maps... floor, couch, ...
I agree with all previous comments, both the bump is super strong on everything, and the dumbell is just weird :- ). But the atmosphere is very nice ! I value this most, so great job
lighting is nice but go easy on the bump-maps... floor, couch, ...
i agree with prashant sahai on the dumbbell. i also have the feeling that the character sitting on the chair is too small. otherwise excellent drawing.
Very nice. But too many activity in the room... reading, weight training, tea.. not going with each other. And why that dumbbell is on the chair? Another thing which is not looking good IMHO, is the sparkling effects on the lights. Otherwise it's giving a good feel and I'd love to have that coffee on that couch ;-)