Japanese Maple - Foliage Test
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Antoine Desjardins
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Yep, that's the method I'm currently using for my leaf shader. That guy's site is gold.
Paul Sebastian
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Have you read Jeff Patton's take on creating leaf materials? They seem rather nice, I'd look into it. Those last two renders seem to capture the leaves better.
Antoine Desjardins
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I grabbed a free tree from x-frog, but I did not like the leaves so I got rid of them and scattered different ones. Right now, I'm using 2 different leaf textures for the leaves, might have to step that number up to 3 or 4 to make it look more random. Also, I'll definitely have to modify the length of the stem. It is pushing the body of the leaf too far from the branches.
Jan Walter Schliep
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what tools do you use to create the tree, if I might ask?
Antoine Desjardins
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might be tough using my current method.. I might be able to fix that problem by making the leaf stem shorter. I'll give that a shot, thanks.
Jan Walter Schliep
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nice and soft look, but some of the leaves seem to float. Can you align them a bit, so that the upside points more upwards?
Antoine Desjardins
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another view
Antoine Desjardins
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Thanx.. I needed to do something different. Having a tough time with creating a convincing Japanese maple. I'll have to composite it to get it right.. I think. Green foliage renders much more accurately with the same setup: (keep in mind I only scattered one leave about the whole tree for this test.. I'll have to get a few more maple leaves in that tree so it looks more random).
Aubrey Millard
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Glad to see you experimenting and trying new things.
Cool polaroid.
Antoine Desjardins
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Tried to get the tonal values of an old polaroid shot:
Antoine Desjardins
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Another one: [ATTACH=CONFIG]45859[/ATTACH]