jamie cardoso - http://https://jamiecardoso-mentalray.blogspot.com/2019/06/planning-applications-for-verified-views.html
Hello Everyone,
I've just created a Unique and In-Depth New Tutorial on how to create Amazing Planning Applications for Verified Views.
The entire course takes users through the step-by-step process of creating and submitting Verified Views for Planning Applications, using 3ds Max, ŷAV and Photoshop.
In this course, you will learn how to read a typical drawing with the proposed Views from the Architects.
Also, users will learn to use the photography and the Survey Data to recreate the proposed views in 3d, while using 3ds Max scripts, XReferences, Dummy Helpers, Daylight systems, Sun Surveyor, Photoshop, and much more.
Finally, this unique course will teach you how to create Amazing Accurate Visual representations for Level 0 (AVR0), AVR01, AVR02 and AVR03
I really hope you find this course, the Links and the file Resources very useful.
P.S: Don't forget to like and share it :0)
-Second Part of the Video with File Resources: https://jamiecardoso-mentalray.blogspot.com/2019/06/planning-applications-for-verified-views.html
1. https://zmapping.com/
2. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeremy-young-34049811/
3. https://www.jeremyyoung.co.uk/contact
4. http://www.v-real.co.uk/
5. http://www.v-real.co.uk/verified-view
6. https://www.sunsurveyor.com/
7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzKOBtTbUmg
8. https://store.insta360.com/product/one_x?insrc=INRZEJ7
9. http://www.edisurveys.co.uk/
10. https://www.sccssurvey.co.uk/surveying-equipment-instruments/lasers.html
11. https://www.rbkc.gov.uk/idoxWAM/doc/Other-890013.pdf?extension=.pdf&id=890013&location=VOLUME2&contentType=application/pdf&pageCount=1
12. GLVIA (Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment)
In addition, it's worth checking its Visualisation page/tab guidelines:
13- Government Pre-Application Advice:
14- https://www.planningportal.co.uk/info/200126/applications/59/how_to_apply/6
3ds Max Script:
-- open the file as text, read mode
f = openFile "c:/surveypoints.csv" mode:"rt"
prefabPoint = point name:"dummy"
-- if it opened successfully (exists, etc)...
if f != undefined do
while not eof f do
-- Read a line from the file
l = readline f
-- turn that line into an array of strings using commas as delimiters
lf = filterString l ","
if (lf[1]!=undefined ) do
newPoint = instance prefabPoint
newPoint.name = lf[1]
x = lf[2] as float
y = lf[3] as float
z = lf[4] as float
newPoint.pos = [100*x,100*y,100*z]
close f
delete prefabPoint
Blog: https://jamiecardoso-mentalray.blogspot.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jamie.viztechsupportservices
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/viztechsupportservices/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/viztechsupport
Portfolio: https://www.behance.net/gallery/77392163/3ds-max-aerial-rendering