About Colin M Stott

3D Visualisation Designer (Owner of Congo Systems) I started self employment in 1989 and have progressed through a range of design disciplines over the years. When digital design started developing for me in the mid 90's I began tinkering with 3D software. Congo Systems was established in 1998 which is when I started getting serious with Lightwave 3D and I still use it today. It's a great suite of software with a broad range of uses. My only hope is that Newtek can improve the realism of the lighting/rendering engine a bit more as I feel other 3D packages are moving ahead of Lightwave in this area... and of course I could try a bit harder to achieve the result I'm after ;) I'd like to be more involved with companies that have interesting projects which require more detail, ambience and atmosphere with budgets that accommodate the time it takes to achieve beautiful results. Sadly the 3D Residential Archviz industry is being gutted by outsourcing and low cost (with low quality) work. Price seems to be king! Despite this trend, my enthsiasm is not dented, even if my income is. I'll still keep looking for ways to do good business whilst satisying my passion for 3D!!

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